Shanghai City Tour

Our day started with a bus ride to Old Shanghai Town. You can see the interesting juxtaposition of old and new Shanghai in some of these photos. After we left the Yu Garden and the morning went on, the crowds got so thick we had no desire to shop. When police started barricading the streets, our tour director quickly lead our group back to our bus so we wouldn’t get trapped “behind the lines”.


Old Shanghai Town



Initially a British settlement, the Bund area of Shanghai is a waterfront area along the Huangpu River featuring Euro-Asian banks, European architecture and landmark hotels such as the Fairmont Peace Hotel where our group was staying. We stopped at the “M on the Bund” restaurant for a great lunch and had time to walk out on the patio and view the “space-age” architecture of the Oriental Pearl TV Tower and other notable buildings across the river which were built within the last 25 years.

Views of the modern Shanghai skyline from the “M on the Bund” restaurant